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The Friday Five - February 21, 2025


The the first Friday Five of the 2025! Woohoo! Here we go.

  1. This year has been comin' in hot! I feel like I blinked and it's already the end of February! Insanity. In many ways, I feel like this year has already felt loooooong *cough American politics cough*. But in other ways it feels like I'm still waiting for it to sink in that it's not 2024 anymore. Time is such a warped concept these days.

    What I do know is that I am SO ready for Spring. Any day now, mother nature....

  2. Even though writing blog posts often gets pushed to the back burner in my long list of weekly to-do's, I still have the same sentiment every time I start writing one - I LOVE IT HERE. Everywhere I turn, the internet and social media is constantly changing, but this is my little corner of the internet that I own, and it's all mine to use as I please. I love it. I really need to challenge myself to stay accountable, at least for showing up for my Friday Fives! Who wants to be my accountability partner?

  1. Here's a little fun fact about Friday Fives - they were actually inspired by one of my all time favorite authors - Sarah Dessen! I started reading Sarah Dessen as a pre-teen and immediately became hooked on reading her blog, too! This was back before I even had a Facebook account, so reading her blog was one of my main ways of entertainment on the internet. She started doing Friday Fives, and when I founded Follow The Curve and started writing my own blog, I knew I wanted to do the same. Sarah still does hers, and I get them sent to my inbox every Friday morning. You can read her blog here. Sarah - if you're reading this, I love you!

  1. I know this is an age-old sentiment, but these days I truly feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done that I need and WANT to get done. I'm balancing my day job as a virtual assistant for my clients (which is my own business, nonetheless), working on a huge creative project (that I'm not quite ready to reveal yet!), trying to keep up with fostering and growing Follow The Curve, and everything else that comes with being a human - trying to be a good wife & friend, take care of my physical & mental health, read all the books I want, and make sure to get enough sleep. Phew.

    To put it shortly, I need another me. I'm feeling ready to hire an assistant, but don't exactly have to the funds to make that leap yet. Until then I'll just keep on keepin on.

    Current mood.
    Current mood.

    5. Something I've been doing in 2025 so far that I'm really proud of myself about is prioritizing my sleep. I've always been such a night owl, and could easily stay up until 1o'clock or even 2 in the morning reading or watching TV - especially with my anxiety keeping me up. Lately, I've been really turning things around and hitting the hay by 10:30, 11pm. College Megan would be shocked right now.

    However, I do have to say that I feel so much more refreshed and ready for my day in the morning. (Oh my God who am I??? This must be what maturing is like.) To help me wind down, I take a really light dose of a sleepy gummy, and start my nighttime routine. With everything going on that I listed above, getting good sleep is essential to keeping me sane and working on all burners.

    I take these (I love the immunity blend for this time of year, too!) Recommended dose is 2 gummies but I just take 1 of them. Great taste too!
    I take these (I love the immunity blend for this time of year, too!) Recommended dose is 2 gummies but I just take 1 of them. Great taste too!



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